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Photo by Kim Brundage

I am a multidisciplinary artist who cycles between writing, performance and the visual arts, working in painting, photography and fiber arts. I use salvaged material to construct assemblage pieces and design fabric patterns that are sewn into quilts.


Using the rituals of remembrance and grief, I make art inspired by the ephemeral beauty of the natural world, and in response to environmental and social injustices.  I collaborate with communities to curate performances and exhibitions that inform and inspire.

I chose art as my vocation at the age of six and have, since that time, moved through the world in awe, observing and examining structure in nature and society. Growing up in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, forged in me a great love of the forest. I came to see art as a vital component of a healthy neighborhood, learning to build and create from members of my farming community.


Contemplating the meaning and function of art, went in tandem with making it, while studying at two religious universities. As an adult, my eyes were opened to the struggle and immense contributions of immigrants and refugees, while living in New Orleans and New York City.


Living in Richmond, Virginia, the former capital of the Confederacy, has given me over 30 years of opportunity to actively study and rethink the histories that I have been taught.


I believe art is humanity's most potent form of medicine. My art is a practice of tending to myself, my neighbors and the land.

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